Construction Drone Services; Make Sure you are Doing These Things for clients!
Construction drone services are a great way to market yourself thorough social media and your website to show off before and afters, time lapses of a project, and capturing the critical moment of a project. Divine Decks in Lincoln usually has me capture before and afters; where as Constructors INC. has me capture the critical point in a project to post on their social media page.
Here are some of the pictures I captured for divine decks!
Construction site aerial photography
I reached out to Shane from divine decks at the very start of the year when I first started my business. He was the first job I ever had as an aerial photographer! We have continued to build up a relationship as the year winds down and I have shot a total of 9 decks for him so far! Thanks Shane for the opportunity.
I have learned a lot from Shane and what exactly he wants captured. This is where I learned that shooting in the right conditions is EVERYTHING. The first set of photos are WAY too dark and shadowy to even see the deck. He wanted me to emphasize the grain of the wood because that is one of his main selling points. A tip that I can not stress enough is listen to the client and try your absolute best to give them what they want. This is all that matters when making a name for yourself. Check out the video I did for constructors down below!
Constructors INC. Drone footage for the new Devany Track in Lincoln Nebraska! Check out other aerial videos that I have on my youtube channel!
Thats all I have for this blog post! Feel free to check out my other construction drone services blog post and my google page about construction drone services page for everything drone related!