Architecture Photography with a drone; use these tips to take it to the next level.
How can I take my aerial photography of architecture to the next level?
Aerial photography is an art form that allows the photographer to take their canvas to new heights that they weren’t able to before. Think of it like being a regular photographer as a 2D drawing and adding an aerial component (drone) to it to allow the picture to become 3D. It is a massive advantage to be able to take pictures with a drone because not many people can do it.
Now, this is great knowledge to have. But, how does this help me get better shots you may be asking. This added element allows you to get angles you were never able to get before. How can we use this to our advantage? You could have the best camera in the world; but if you don’t know how to use it, that is where you start to lose credibility.
Tips and Tricks for ending up with better drone footage
The first tip I want to share is to be sure you get your entire shot in the frame. This sounds super simple; but trust me, it is something that can easily overlooked when you have 30 other things on your mind when shooting.
Tip number 2: when making videos for whoever you are working for; be sure to ask a lot of questions about exactly what they want and what they are using the videos for. This can help you plan your flight and give the client the best possible product in the end.
The 3rd and final tip is to be sure that you are using the right ND filter and camera settings for the job. Camera settings can be done in so many ways with the Mavic 3. Shoot in manual. Please. This will save you so much time in post processing trying to make your pictures less grainy. Shoot in the lowest ISO possible. The gimbals are SO good on DJI drones that you are able to go into like 1” or even longer of an exposure and come out with a perfectly clear picture! For all of the work I have done for architecture firms check out my Architecture page on my website!
Here is a video I did for WRK Lincoln; This was easily the most technical drone shot I have ever gotten. Not super pleased with the result; but I learned from it and leaning from every mistake that you make is really important in improving. Check out my youtube channel for more drone content!
Check out my other architecture photography with drone blog post! And check me out on google for more architecture photography with drone!